Ghost of Tsushima Download & Install Size on PS4

Following on from the smash hit success that was The Last of Us Part II last month, Sony is bringing fans another epic PS4 exclusive. This time, from Sucker Punch Studios. Ghost of Tsushima is an open-world action-adventure game in which players will assume the role of Jin, one of the last samurai who is tasked with fighting against the Mongol Empire’s invasion. If you’ve seen anything of the game, you’ll already know it looks stunning. But that has a lot of people wondering what the Ghost of Tsushima download and install size is.

Ghost of Tsushima Install Size

Cutting right to the chase, Ghost of Tsushima’s install size is 35.08GB. This is fairly small compared to many other AAA titles this generation, with the likes of Final Fantasy VII Remake, Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last of Us Part II all teetering around the 90-100 GB mark.

That shouldn’t be a reason to be concerned about the size of Ghost of Tsushima. In a Q&A over on the PlayStation Blog, the developers stated that most of their playtesters had played the game for an entire week and still hadn’t finished the story. That’s a promising sign you’ll be sinking 40+ hours into Ghost of Tsushima before you reach the end.

It’s worth pointing out that the install size could always increase or decrease when patches and post-launch updates are released. These may add new features making the install size larger, or further improve the file compression, making it smaller. Either way, it shouldn’t change drastically.

That’s everything you need to know about the Ghost of Tsushima install size. For more tips tricks and guides, be sure to check out our Ghost of Tsushima guide wiki.


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